Gyan Mudra - As the name suggests, this mudra has it's most number of benefits in the Gyan or Knowledge field. If used regularly, this Mudra increases the memory of children and adults alike (with varying degree of success though) and also increases the concentration and intelligence. Not only this, it also reduces the negative thoughts content in the mind and hence reduces mental tension which is the root cause of multiple diseases. Other diseases where this Mudra is proven beneficial are headache, lose temper and insomnia.
How to practice this Mudra - Join the tip of thumb and index finger keeping all other fingers straight as per the picture shown here. Practice this for 30- 40 minutes in one stretch continuously or in 5 - 10 minutes periodical stretches in a way that you are able to practice this for at least 30 - 40 minutes total in a day for better results.
Pran Mudra - This Hast Mudra helps to improve the eyesight and is particularly helpful in reducing myopic vision rather than hypermetropic vision. Not only this, it is also beneficial for other eye related ailments like glucoma. This also helps in improving immunity of body to fight with diseases and help the body to keep itself fit and full of energy. We can also overcome our hunger or thirst during fasting by practicing this.
.Important - For better results in Insomnia, practice this mudra in tandem with gyan mudra
How to practice this Mudra - Join the tip of little finger, ring finger and thumb keeping all other fingers straight as per the picture shown here. Practice this for 30- 40 minutes in one stretch continuously or in 5 - 10 minutes periodical stretches in a way that you are able to practice this for at least 30 - 40 minutes total in a day for better results
Surya Mudra - Surya Mudra is quite advantageous in reducing obesity, mental tension and blood cholestrol level. Diabetic patients must do this Mudra becasue this also helps in curing diabetes. This mudra is also seen as beneficial in lever disorders and improves digestion power of body. Since this increasses the heat level in the body, we should not practice this for a long time in summer season. It is also advisable that a physically weak person should practice this under proper guidance.
How to practice this Mudra - Keep the tip of ring finger at the root of thumb and press the same finger with the thumb. All other fingers should be kept straight in this Mudra as per the picture shown here.

the mudra pics and the names are misplaced..plz correct it.....