Home Remedies Unearthed - Part...2

Let us take my Home Remedies post series further and we will talk about another spice in Indian Kitchen today that offers lot of healing properties. This spice is Cinnamon.
Cinnamon, when used to season a high carbohydrate food can help lessen its impact on your blood sugar levels. Cinnamon slows the rate at which the stomach empties after meals, reducing the rise in blood sugar levels after eating. Tests have also proved that adding cinnamon to the rice pudding lowered the gastric emptying rate from 37% to 34.5% and lessened the rise in blood sugar levels after eating.
The cholesterol lowering qualities of cinnamon are also unearthed some time back and one research actually found that people with type 2 diabetes if take 1 gram cinnamon everyday for 40-45 days, they experienced a significant decrease in their blood sugar levels, Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) , total cholesterol (HDL+LDL) and triglycerides.
Cinnamon can be taken in multiple ways like by adding to curries, tea, coffee or deserts. It has a mild sweetness. Make the classic cinnamon toast with a healthy twist - drizzle flax seed oil on a whole wheat toast. Sprinkle with cinnamon and honey and enjoy it.
Let us also talk about 2 super healers from Ayurveda Repository that are not spices from Indian Kitchen. These are Ashwagandha and Guggulu.
Ashwagandha stimulates activation of the immune system cells (the lymphocytes), counteracts the effects of stress and generally promotes wellness. It is particularly helpful in stress related disorders like such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes and premature ageing. It is anti inflammatory and helps treat sciatica pain too.
Guggulu strengthens our digestive system, reduces fat levels from the body and helps in treating upper respiratory tract infections. It significantly lowers serum triglycerides and LDL and VLDL cholesterol's and raises level of HDL or good cholesterol. It protects against atherosclerosis and reduces the stickiness of platelets. It helps in treating menstrual disturbances too.
We all should try to make these part of our daily life as they are easy to use and naturally strengthens our body metabolism to fight against diseases and other health conditions. We will talk about the mercurial properties of ginger and garlic in the next post.


Home Remedies Unearthed - Part..1

Ayurveda is very rich in home remedies and the practitioners have done exhaustive research supported by test results to make sure that the remedies they suggest, actually are useful to human beings in getting rid of certain disease conditions. Herbs have been used for years to alleviate arthritis pain, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol and help with many other conditions. It is also discovered lately that these herbs in Indian Kitchen have the ability to kill cancer cells too. We will discuss some of these super healer herbs in next few posts:
Turmeric: A curry with turmeric could relieve your pain. Turmeric contains curcumin - a powerful anti inflammatory compound that works similarly to Cox-2 inhibitors, drugs that reduce the Cox-2 enzyme (that causes the pain and swelling of arthritis). The role of Turmeric in treating indigestion, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, toothache, bruises, pre and post surgery health, flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, hemorrhage, chest pain and colic is already known and established.
Studies have also indicated that turmeric is also beneficial in treating colon cancer and Alzheimer's disease. The substance curcumin found in it can help shrink pre-cancerous lesions known as colon polyps, when taken with a small amount of quercetin, a powerful anti-oxidant found in onions, apples and cabbage. The average number of polyps was found to be dropped more than 60% and those that remained shrank by more than 50% in one of the lab tests. Turmeric is also proven to be effective in clearing the brain of plaques that are characteristic of the disease.
How to use it best: Add it to your cooking wherever possible and not only in curries but in salads too like on sauted cauliflower and lentils. To strengthen bones, add turmeric to hot milk and drink before sleeping at night. It reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis too specially in age after 35.
We will talk about Cinnamon and its benefits in the next post.

Which is your most preferred way to keep your body fit and away from diseases?